Free Trieste




The international Free Port of Trieste is a State Corporation of the present-day Free Territory of Trieste, an independent sovereign State established after WWII.


The Port of Trieste covers a 2,304,000 m² area; 1,765,000 of which consists of free zones. Docks cover 12 Km, with 47 moorings, and seabeds as deep as 18 meters (source: Trieste Port Authority).


The 1947 Treaty of Peace with Italy (art. 21) establishes Trieste as a State under a provisional regime of Government. Annexes VI, VII, VIII, and X provide its basic law.


Art. 34, Annex VI establishes and describes the international Free Port:


“A free port shall be established in the Free Territory and shall be administered on the basis of the provisions of an international instrument drawn up by the Council of Foreign Ministers, approved by the Security Council, and annexed to the present Treaty (Annex VIII).


The Government of the Free Territory shall enact all necessary legislation and take all necessary steps to give effect to the provisions of such instrument.”


The official version of the Italian Peace Treaty (in English, French, and Russian, as well as an unofficial Italian version): UN Treaty Series Vol. 49, No. 747.


Since 1954, the British and U.S. Governments have sub-entrusted the Italian Government with the temporary civil administration of the present-day Free Territory. The MoU regarding Trieste does not affect the State’s independence (see: US Department of State).


The Free Trieste Movement is raising awareness about this little European State’s legal status, economic opportunities, and potential.


Trieste is a potential “European Singapore” (investigative newspaper “La Voce di Trieste“) and an “Unknown Dimension” (Austrian newspaper “Börsen-Kurier”).

Free Trieste’s work:

In 2011 – 2012, multinational company Gas Natural is planning two LNG terminals in Trieste’s international Free Port. The Northern Free Port is threatened also by a massive, illegal real estate speculation.


Local politicians support both operations. This is when Free Trieste and Greenaction Transnational start defending the international Free Port.


In October 2014, following a notice of default to the administering Italian authorities (LINK), Free Trieste presents a formal notice to the Italian Government (LINK).


The document, presented in Vienna, explains and clarifies the Free Territory’s legal status and the international Free Port’s. It does also include a draft decree for the administering Italian Government to enforce arts. 1 to 20 of the aforementioned Annex VIII.


This would re-establish the international Free Port’s correct management: LINK


The Italian political establishment is suffocating this unique Free Port for the advantage of Italian ports, including some of those under organized crime’s control.


On this topic: The Italian sabotage of the strategic ports of Trieste and Koper on “La Voce di Trieste”.


In late 2014 – 2015, the operation to eliminate the Northern Free Port (surreptitiously called “Porto Vecchio” or “old port”) continues with an illegal attempts to cancel the area’s legal status. Free Trieste reacts with warnings and legal actions before the Land Registry Office.


In July 2017, the Italian Government issues a first decree “for the administrative management” of Trieste’s port free zones”. The decree recognizes the Italian Government’s temporary civil administration over the present-day Free Territory.


On newspaper “Il Corriere di Trieste” there is the decree’s translation and analysis: LINK


In late 2018 Gas Natural finally gives up on the Trieste LNG terminal projects.

The States of the Three Seas Initiative, in blue (Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia) and the Free Territory of Trieste, with its international Free Port as a red dot in Northern Adriatic.

The civil lawsuit initiated by the I.P.R. F.T.T.

In January 2020, the International Provisional Representative of the Free Territory of Trieste – I.P.R. F.T.T. summons before Court the Italian government, some of its Ministries, and some of its bodies, including the Port Authority and the Municipality of Trieste.


The lawsuit revolves on violations of the Free Territory’s and its port’s legal status and taxation rights. It does also challenge the enforceability of the Italian Government’s agreements with the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in the Free Territory of Trieste: LINK


Indeed, the 2019 Italian-Chinese agreements don’t constitute only a breach of the Treaty of Peace (Annex VIII, art. 3.2). It is also a serious strategic risk.


Indeed, Trieste, together with the nearby ports of Koper – Capodistria (Slovenia), Rijeka (Croatia) and Ploče (Bosnia) is the southern wing of the US-backed Three Seas Initiative (TSI, 3SI).


The 3SI (see map above) includes many Central European States that already have special rights over Trieste’s international Free Port.


In July 2023 the lawsuit for the Free Port reached the second instance of judgment. At the same time, the I.P.R. F.T.T. enabled the intervention of the Court of Justice of the European Union – CJEU (LINK).


In October 2024 the lawsuit for the international Free Port reached the Italian Supreme Court of Cassation. The appeal includes the mandatory transmission to the CJEU of a request for a preliminary ruling (LINK).


Free Trieste’s press releases regarding the Trieste’s International Free Port, its potential, tax advantaged, and the Movement’s ongoing efforts to defend it are HERE

The present-day Free Territory of Trieste (since 1992).

The present-day Free Territory of Trieste borders with Italy and with Slovenia.