Free Trieste

Donations to support Free Trieste!

Logo of the Movimento Trieste Libera | Gibanje Svobodni Trst | Bewegung Freies Triest | Free Trieste Movement | Mouvement Trieste Libre | Movimiento Trieste Libre

The Free Trieste Movement in the biggest political organization in Trieste. It is a volunteer-run organization and, since 2011, it works to re-establish the rule of law in the Free Territory of Trieste and in its international Free Port. In particular, the Movement stands for the civil and economic rights of Trieste’s citizens, residents, and enterprises.

In particular, Free Trieste works to end to the serious judicial and fiscal violations committed by the local representative of the Italian Government, which is sub-entrusted with Trieste’s temporary civil administration since 1954.

Free Trieste acts both locally and internationally, including when it addresses the provisional Italian authorities. The Movement’s staff is always working on new legal instruments and legal acts. Sometimes it organizes public actions and demonstration, which are both symbolic and effective.

Free Trieste engages with its supporters through a variety of media, including on line. The effort is worth it, because it attracts a lot of interest and raises awareness about the Movement’s legal battle.

Indeed, Free Trieste only exists thanks to its volunteers, its supporters, and its members. Our Movement asks everyone to help as possible, even just sharing its news: everything helps, be it time, donations, or a simple “share”.


Donations to Free Trieste cover the organization’s administrative costs, as well as the costs of the professional lawyers who carry out the legal actions.

Each donation makes a difference and is greatly appreciated.

It is possible donating either at Free Trieste’s office (Piazza della Borsa 7, Trieste), via bank transfer (IBAN: IT94F0306909606100000075057 – BIC/SWIFT: BCITITMM929), or with PayPal: