Free Trieste



On March 10th [2017] I am once again under trial. This trial follows a complaint against Free Trieste presented by people who were expelled or have left it in 2014.

It is the people we regard as traitors of our cause and who, of course, are functional to the Italian judiciary’s “attrition” strategy. It is the same authorities who simulate Italian sovereignty over the Free Territory of Trieste instead of exercising its own jurisdiction. In breach of international, Italian, and Trieste’s own laws.

A strategy that serves to protect that corrupt establishment that rules over Trieste. A system that, thanks to its anacronistic nationalism, enjoys unusual immunities: a system we are the only ones to effectively fight.

We stand for Trieste’s liberation. Namely, the re-establishment of the temporary civil administration established in 1954. But complying with the 1954 MOU regarding the Free Territory of Trieste would be a critical hit for an establishment made of pseudo-masonic mafias, which enjoys both strong connection with Italian criminal cartels in Southern Italy and, again, abnormal impunity in Trieste (just think about Trieste’s enormous environmental disaster, carried out under the full control of Italian authorities, including the judiciary).

This new trial against me follows a complaint from Alessandro Gombač (also known as Giombi). He was expelled from Free Trieste in 2014, when he and others attempted to seize control of the Movement with a golpe, and run for the illegal Italian municipal elections. Elections that Free Trieste is denouncing since 2013, no less.

Now Gombač, with others expelled at the same time, claims to represent a non-government organization (the “Triest NGO”) that seemingly supports the Free Territory’s citizenship right with fellow organization UNPO (closely related to the Italian Radical Party) before the UN in Geneva.

Also, the Triest “NGO” claims strong ties with the Russian Federation, including its very President, Putin. They talk as if they rule the world.

However, strange enough, while claiming to support the right to citizenship of the FTT (also in former Zone B, in a way that closely resembles the claims of Italian nationalists over the lands lost in 1947) before the UN in Geneva, they do not deny Italian jurisdiction over the Free Territory, therefore recognizing full Italian sovereignty over Trieste, its Free Port, and even parts of Slovenia and Croatia.

Strange indeed. Unlike any of them, whenever Free Trieste’s members stand before Court, they do so in the name of legality and of the rights of the Free Territory of Trieste. We question jurisdiction, reminding the judges in charge that they must exercise the present-day Free Territory’s. That is the only legitimate jurisdiction here.

It is a matter of coherence and seriousness. We are not clowns in the pay of the downgraded Italian establishment. We are proud citizens of the Free Territory of Trieste and we are not afraid to exercise out rights in our own State.

And we have no reason to go begging for the recognition of a citizenship that we do already have by virtue of the law: we declare it before Court ourselves.

This is how, once again, while the complainant and his lawyer, both representatives of this “odd” Triest NGO that obviously defends the rights of the citizens of the FTT in Geneva but not in Trieste, associate themselves with the Italian court for it to punish a citizen of the FTT (!), it is me to remind everyone that we are actually in the Court of the Free Territory of Trieste. Ans that I am a citizens of the Free Territory, so the the judge can legitimately act only if he recognizes to exercise Trieste’s own jurisdiction.

Translated from blog “Ambiente e Legalità” – “Environment and Legality” by Roberto Giurastante