The future of the Free Territory of Trieste depends on the re-establishment of fair taxation and on the correct management of the international Free Port.

The future of the Free Territory of Trieste depends on the re-establishment of fair taxation and on the correct management of the international Free Port.
There is a standard procedure for all health emergencies. It is prevention, so preparation to face the emergency, be it a pandemic of a radiological emergency.
The emergency Covid-19 health emergency is one more event that proves the importance of having health checks on the Trieste – Italy State border.
THE LAWSUIT DEFENDING THE INTERNATIONAL FREE PORT OF TRIESTE AND THE CITIZENS OF THE FREE TERRITORY OF TRIESTE Trieste, 28 January 2020. – The lawsuit initiated by the I.P.R. F.T.T. before the Court of Trieste, of the Free Territory of…
Trieste: the I. P. R. F. T. T. sues the Italian government. The lawsuit regards violatins of the international Free Port’s management, including taxation
Trieste’s local nationalistic “camorra” hides behind a patriotism that, in truth, is ruthless nationalism: in exchange for its loyalty, it enjoys many benefits.