Free Trieste



Starts the revocation of the mandates to “Triest NGO” as for the request of Free Territory of Trieste citizenship. The acts of revocation come from about 20 members of the Free Trieste Movement, who disagree with the NGO’s pro-Italian misuse of the actions in defense of Trieste citizen’s righs.

Despite being portrayed as a non-political NGO, “Triest” has officially allied with political movements Territorio Libero / TL3 and Liberazione Triestina to support the 2016 Italian administrative elections summoned in the Free Territory of Trieste.

It is illegitimate elections, their only purpose is consolidating the simulation of Italian sovereignty over the Free Territory and its international Free Port. It is an actual fraud at the expense of Trieste’s people. This only serves Italian interests, as Italy continues Trieste’s spoliation.

Behind “Triest” there are now the Transnational Radical Party and the UNPO, directed by Italian radical Marino Busdachin.

It looks like a travel back to 40 years ago. At the time, Marco Pannella’s Radicals rose the pro-autonomy protest of the Lista per Trieste. The Radicals were the “clean” face of the Italian nationalistic party system. Their goal was to divert a dangerous cause for autonomy that could have changed Trieste’s fate even if the city remained within the Italian system.

Because if Trieste became more autonomous, even just watering down its independence rights, the simulation of Italian sovereignty over the Free Territory would have become harder.

That simulation’s goal isn’t making Trieste autonomous, but to ultimately establish full Italian sovereignty over the city and the international Free Port.

If the local pro-Italy lobby were to lose it, that port would indeed become too much of a competitor for Italian ports. If Europe had its own Singapore in Trieste, if Trieste achieved full economic development, no nationalism would hold it back anymore.

This is the real reason behind Italy’s “love” for Trieste: all the stories about a “much-desired” Trieste, about it being the city-symbol of national reunification are just lies. The truth is, Trieste’s port is dangerous. Never mind that Italy would still have rights over it (Treaty of Peace, arts. 3.3 and 21 of Annex VIII).

The Radicals succeeded, silencing the Lista per Trieste and the call for more autonomy, which risked to be heard and repeated by Italian regions as well.

Some of the critical regions that Italy didn’t want to push for more autonomy are ethnic Austrian Southern-Tyrol, Veneto, Sardinia, Sicily. In facts, because Italian national unity is more the result of long and blood-shred annexation wars than anything, many subjugated folks feel a heavy strain on their history and culture.

Except, while Trieste is already independent, and a call for autonomy in Italy (or under simulation of Italian sovereignty) was a step back, in Italy the simple calls for more autonomy were dangerous.

This is how the Lista per Trieste was corrupt from the inside, one schism after another. Soon, it was just another, regular Italian party, willing to compromise. This would wight on Trieste’s future for a long time.

Once a local party that could have lead Trieste to claim its legitimate independence back, it was now just a parrot on the shoulder of the local establishment, the “barons” of Trieste, the Italian nationalist: the local lobby secured its power once again, sacrificing the local community as it had always done.

The Lista per Trieste became one more drop in the local nationalistic camorra’s corruption sea.

Trieste payed the compromise heavily: from one economic crisis to another, losing chances of development one after another, all while its port became emptier and emptier, despite being the only international Free Port in the world.

It’s been 40 years. Trieste is a pale shadow of the city it used to be: Austria’s first emporium-city, and, after that, in the 1950s, a newborn State breaking all past records with its huge maritime traffics thanks to the good British-US administration.

Here we are, in 2015: the story continues. The 1947 Treaty of Peace with Italy is still in force. The Treaty is the source of all the rights that, back in 1976, the Lista per Trieste refused to claim, choosing instead to ally with the local system.

Such a mistake must not repeated. Now the people of Trieste must claim all of their legitimate rights and defend their Port. Without giving up. Even if the Italian authorities want to dismember its Northern sector.

The Free Trieste Movement represents all the citizens who struggle for this new, yet ancient independent State: the Free Territory of Trieste.

Italian law recognizes it, only the local criminal lobby doesn’t. And so, it did what worked best already to stop the Lista per Trieste.

Just like in 1976: divide the organization from the inside. The people who leave turn into a new organization. And the new organization, while claiming to support Trieste’s rights, heads off to the next elections. The 2016 Italian administrative election. Right according to the script.

Just like in 1976, the action against the “real” cause of Trieste and legality is lead by the Radical Party. Off to a dead end, with a pinch of international destabilization.

The imitators join forces with the Radicals in organization UNPO, and their first step is attempting to re-open the question of former Zone B. A question that is already well closed. One that Italian nationalists would gladly reopen as well. Slovenes and Croats sure don’t certainly not looking forward to be ruled by Italian neo-fascists.

The groups that joined forces with the UNPO and the Transnational Radical Party claiming to represent Trieste are: Territorio Libero / TL3 (a misleading name, for a group established after leaving Free Trieste), Triest NGO (or, even better and according to its registration in London, Triest travel agency), Trieste Libera Impresa (which, contrarily to the name it abuses, has nothing to do with the Free Trieste Movement), and Liberazione Triestina (a local, TL3-made political party heading to the 2016 election).

Such an apparent proliferation of (pro-Italy) groups that claim to work on Question Trieste must not mislead you. Different logos, same people: they are basically interchangeable. A disguise to hide their nature as destabilizing tools in the hand of the local nationalistic “camorra”.

Their sole purpose is to “redeemed” pro-independence people deceiving them into accepting the Italian elections. No matter if it is elections that go against the 1947 Treaty of Peace and Trieste’s own laws.

Free Trieste, with its “No Election Day” campaign has made it clear already: Free Trieste is not a political party, does not support candidates, parties, ideologies. And it will never participate in the simulation of Italian sovereignty over Trieste and its international Free Port.

Instead, the aforementioned fake pro-independence groups, as they head to the much-desired election, don’t even pretend to dispute that simulation. They fully recognize Italian authorities.

Starting from the judgments that deny the rule of law. For instance, political judgment 530/2013 of the Regional Administrative Court.

The judgment is like a bible for the four logos for the apocalypse for Trieste’s rights. They fully recognize it, even if it claims Italian sovereignty over Trieste, and falsely declares that the international Free Port belongs to Italy. They seem even to accept the subversion charges alleged in the judgment. That’s it: charging with sedition people who support the Free Territory and claim laws in force is fine for TL3 and its  gang.

But this time it won’t end like it did 40 years ago. The real Triestines, the pro-legality citizens of the FTT will stand to the very end. Against all odds, agains all enemies. Starting now: distancing themselves from those who attempted to deceive the people of Trieste while working against the cause of the Free Territory of Trieste.


Translated from blog “Ambiente e Legalià” – “Environment and Legality” by Roberto Giurastante

Logos of Liberazione Triestina, Triest "NGO", Trieste Libera Impresa and Movement TL3/Free Territory. None of them has anything to do with our Free Trieste Movement.

Logos of Liberazione Triestina, Triest “NGO”, Trieste Libera Impresa and Movement TL3/Free Territory. None of them has anything to do with our Free Trieste Movement.

Follows the form of the requests sent to “Triest” and to the UN by Free Trieste’s members.

To namely said organization  “Triest NGO”
To Mr. Remigiusz Achilles Henczel
Former President of the Human Rights Council
allegedly addressed by namely said “Triest NGO”
To Ms. Navanethem Pillay
High Commissioner for Human Rights
allegedly addressed by namely said “Triest NGO”
To the Security Council of the United Nations
as international guarantor of the Free Territory of Trieste (UNSC Resolution 16/1947)
With this act I, _____________________________________________citizen de jure of the Free Territory of Trieste;
Con la presente io sottoscritto/a cittadino/a di diritto del Territorio Libero di Trieste;
withdraw / revoco

The mandate I had previously assigned to the namely said organization “Triest NGO”, with offices for service in 27 Old Gloucester Street London, WC1N 3AX United Kingdom, to represent me in the action of «Richiesta della cittadinanza del Territorio Libero di Trieste» (Request of the citizenship of the Free Territory of Trieste) with a petition which that said organization claims to have brought before the UNHRC between 2013 and 2014.

Il mandato da me a suo tempo assegnato all’organizzazione cosiddetta “Triest NGO” con sede al 27 Old Gloucester Street London, WC1N 3AX United Kingdom, a rappresentarmi nell’azione di «Richiesta della cittadinanza del Territorio Libero di Trieste» con petizione che l’organizzazione afferma di aver presentato al UNHRC tra 2013 e 2014.

The reason of the withdrawal is that this organization does not act honestly and it uses my mandate, as well as the mandates of many more people, for purposes different when not even opposite to those for which said mandates were assigned.

La ragione della revoca è che questa organizzazione non agisce onestamente e utilizza il mio mandato, assieme a quelli di molti altri, per scopi diversi – persino contrari – a quelli per cui ha ricevuto mandato.

For instance, the “Triest NGO” was responsible for taking action in the name of the citizens of the current Free Territory of Trieste, established under the Treaty of Peace of Paris of 1947, corresponding to main “Zone A” consisting in the Capital City, Trieste, with its international Free Port and five smaller Municipalities, entrusted to the Italian Government under a special trusteeship mandate, yet, this Government violates its duties of provisional Government.

Precisamente, la “Triest NGO” era responsabile di agire nel nome dei cittadini dell’attuale Territorio Libero di Trieste, istituito con il Trattato di Pace di Parigi del 1947, che corrisponde alla principale “Zona A” che consiste nella capitale, Trieste, con il suo porto franco internazionale e cinque comuni minori, assegnati al governo italiano sotto un mandato di amministrazione fiduciaria, tuttavia, tale governo viola I propri doveri di governo provvisorio.

On the contrary, accessory and former Zone B, previously administered by the Yugoslav Government, has been recognized under the sovereignty of the Republics of Slovenia and Croatia, since the international recognition of the two, new, independent State, which took place in 1991-92, had the effect of amending the Treaty of Peace in regard to that Zone alone, under the principles established with Article 30, sub-paragraph 3 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.

Al contrario, l’accessoria ex Zona B, precedentemente amministrata dal governo jugoslavo, è stata riconosciuta in sovranità alle Repubbliche di Slovenia e Croazia, in quanto il riconoscimento internazionale delle due nuove repubbliche indipendenti, avvenuto nel 1991 – 92, ha avuto l’effetto di emendare il Trattato di Pace per quella zona soltanto, sotto i principi stabiliti dall’articolo 30, paragrafo 3, della Convenzione di Vienna sul diritto dei Trattati.

Instead, the “Triest NGO”, consisting in very few people, is using my mandate and those of others for political purposes, to claim former Zone B and this was not envisioned nor authorized, since those claims open useless disputes and are dangerous for peace.

Al contrario, la “Triest NGO”, composta da pochissime persone, sta usando il mio mandato e quelli di altri per motivi politici, rivendicando l’ex Zona B senza che questo fosse previsto o autorizzato, dal momento che tali rivendicazioni aprono dispute inutile e pericolose per la pace;

In facts, namely said “Triest NGO” affiliated with Italian political organizations, with which it brings forward revanchist actions for electoral purposes: this goes as far as supporting illegal operations of Italian nationalist political groups, betraying the cause of the Free Territory of Trieste.

La cosiddetta “Triest NGO” si è infatti affiliata con organizzazioni politiche italiane che portano avanzi azioni revansciste a fini elettorali: queste si spingono fino a sostenere operazioni illegali dei gruppi politici nazionalisti italiani, tradendo la causa del Territorio Libero di Trieste.

On the contrary, the Free Trieste Movement, which I support, carries out a peaceful and legitimate action for the rightful recognition of their rights and to restore the correct special trusteeship, in defense of the Free Territory of Trieste, and without any claim against Slovenia and Croatia upon a written mandate undersigned by more than 15,000 citizens of the Free Territory of Trieste.

Al contrario, il Movimento Trieste Libera da me sostenuto, con mandato firmato da oltre 15.000 cittadini del Territorio Libero di Trieste, porta avanti l’azione pacifica e legittima per il pieno riconoscimento dei loro diritti e per ripristinare il corretto mandato di amministrazione fiduciaria, a difesa del Territorio Libero di Trieste e senza rivendicazioni contro Slovenia e Croazia.

Also, the defence of the sovereignty, independence and rights of the Free Territory of Trieste and of the international Free Port, open to all States, falls under the competences of the Security Council of the United Nations (UNSC Resolution 16/1947, Article 21.3 of the Treaty of Peace – UNTS 49) and it represents a relevant economic and moral interest of the whole International Community.

Inoltre, la difesa della sovranità, indipendenza e dei diritti del Territorio Libero di Trieste e del suo porto franco internazionale, aperto a tutti gli Stati, compete al Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite (UNSC Resolution 16/1947, Articolo 21.3 del Trattato di Pace – UNTS 49) e rappresenta un interesse morale ed economico rilevante dell’intera Comunità Internazionale.

Therefore, I disapprove that, in spite of this, the “Triest NGO” has sent – deceptively and upon payment, the petition for the citizenship of the Free Territory of Trieste to the UNHRC of Geneva, since citizenship is an undeniable right established under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it has already been recognised to the Triestines under the Treaty of Peace and it must be granted by the Security Council of the United Nations in New York.

Di conseguenza, disapprovo che la “Triest NGO” abbia inviato – con l’inganno e dietro pagamento – la petizione per la cittadinanza del Territorio Libero di Trieste al UNHRC di Ginevra, essendo la cittadinanza un diritto inalienabile secondo la Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti dell’Uomo, riconosciuto ai Triestini in base al Trattato di Pace che deve essere garantito dal Consiglio di Sicurezza delle Nazioni Unite a New York.

Also, I did not authorise and disapprove that the “Triest NGO” joined the UNPO – Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization without the consent of the Signatories of the «Request of the citizenship of the Free Territory of Trieste» but using their money for that. Also, the sovereign population of the Free Territory of Trieste cannot be regarded to as “unrepresented people”, and the UNPO supports the false thesis of Italian sovereignty over Trieste.

Inoltre, non ho mai autorizzato e disapprovo che la “Triest NGO” abbia aderito all’ UNPO – Unione dei Paesi e Popoli non rappresentati senza il consenso dei firmatari della «Richiesta della cittadinanza del Territorio Libero di Trieste» usando tuttavia il loro denaro. Inoltre, la popolazione sovrana del Territorio Libero di Trieste non può considerarsi “popolo non rappresentato” e l’UNPO sostiene la falsa tesi della sovranità italiana su Trieste. 

I do also disapprove that the “Triest NGO” is represented, in the role of head of civil planning and programmes, by lawyer Nicola Sponza who, as Secretary of the “Territorio Libero” movement, advocates political-electoral, hostile actions against the Free Territory as well as against the nearby Republics of Slovenia and Croatia.

Disapprovo inoltre che la “Triest NGO” si avvalga, nel ruolo di head of civil planning and programmes, dell’avvocato Nicola Sponza il quale, come segretario del movimento “Territorio Libero” promuove azioni politico-elettorali ostili al Territorio Libero di Trieste ed alle vicine repubbliche di Slovenia e Croazia.

For all these reasons;
Per tutte queste ragioni;
warning / diffido

against the namely said organization “Triest NGO” about presenting, in my name, the «Request of the citizenship of the Free Territory of Trieste» to the UNHCR and to any other Office or Body of the United Nations;

l’organizzazione detta “Triest NGO” a presentare in mio nome la «Richiesta della cittadinanza del Territorio Libero di Trieste» a qualsiasi Sede ed Ufficio delle Nazioni Unite;

urgently inviting  / invito urgentemente 

the Security Council and other competent Offices and Bodies of the United Nations to act directly and efficiently to regularize the special trusteeship over the Free Territory of Trieste, entrusted to the Italian Government that is violating it (see document Annex 7), as requested by the Free Trieste Movement, which has already lodged the first 15,000 signatures of the citizens who support this action;

il Consiglio di Sicurezza e gli altri Organi ed Uffici competenti delle Nazioni Unite ad agire tempestivamente per regolarizzare l’amministrazione fiduciaria speciale del Territorio Libero di Trieste affidata al Governo italiano e da esso violata;

I reserve / riservandomi

any legal action, on all levels, to defend my rights and my legitimate interests in case the namely said organization “Triest NGO” refuses to remove my name from the lists of its activities or it refuses to provide an answer to my request within two weeks since reception;

ogni azione legale, ad ogni livello, per tutelare i miei diritti ed i miei interessi legittimi nel caso l’organizzazione cosiddetta “Triest NGO” rifiutasse di eseguire la mia richiesta o non desse risposta alla mia richiesta entro due settimane dal recapito.

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