15 September 2019: Free Trieste does not participate to pro-election demonstrations; instead, it celebrates in piazza della Borsa.

15 September 2019: Free Trieste does not participate to pro-election demonstrations; instead, it celebrates in piazza della Borsa.
In 1954, the Italian Government committed to respect the present-day Free Territory of Trieste’s own laws, including laws about elections.
UPDATE: in July 2017 the Court of Trieste ruled that Free Trieste’s demonstration for the Northern Free Port was not subversive.
2 June 2016: Free Trieste dismisses as “electoral tricks” the claims of a local Senator who attempts to claim the UN considers Trieste part of Italy.
UN Document S/2015/809 confirms the Free Territory of Trieste and its international Free Port: a good turn for Free Trieste’s legal battles.
31 December 2015: Free Trieste demonstrates in fronte of the Palace of the Government against the ongoing breaching of the Free Territory’s rights.