On 13 November 2022, Trieste remembers its Austro-Hungarian fallen at the military cemetery of Prosek-Prosecco with the traditional ceremony.

On 13 November 2022, Trieste remembers its Austro-Hungarian fallen at the military cemetery of Prosek-Prosecco with the traditional ceremony.
1914-18: seaplanes and pilots defending Trieste and the Littoral. The photo exhibit opens on November 9th at 4 PM, and entrance is free until November 15th.
Trieste, 12 November 2021: due to the pandemic, the traditional pluri-religious commemoration for the Austrian-Hungarian WWI fallen is postponed.
Trieste, 7 November 2020: due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the traditional commemoration for the Austrian-Hungarian fallen of the 1914-18 World War is postponed.
On November 3rd, 1918, as Italian troops enter the city, Trieste loses her freedom. Office I.T.O. takes upon itself to rid the city of the “bad Italians”.
21 August 1917: young Viennese officer Friedrich Franek fights in the 11th Battle of the Isonzo, defending Altitude Quota 146 – Flondar.