Free Trieste

Trieste commemorates its Austro-Hungarian fallen on 13 November 2022

Trieste commemorates its Austro-Hungarian fallen on 13 November 2022

Trieste commemorates its Austro-Hungarian fallen on 13 November 2022

On Sunday, November 13th, 2022, at 11 a.m., in the Austro-Hungarian military cemetery of Prosek-Prosecco, on the Triestine Karst plateau, takes place the traditional public commemoration of the fallen and of the soldiers of Austria-Hungary (Army, Landwehr, Honvéd, Navy, and Aviation) of Trieste, of the Littoral, and of all the brother folks involved in the 1914-18 World War.

The ceremony is held in different languages, with Christian (Catholic, Evangelical, Serbian Orthodox, Greek Orthodox), Jewish, and Islamic rites.

The commemoration’s organizers are Movimento Civiltà Mitteleuropea – Srednjeevropska omika – Civiltât Mitteleuropee – Kulturgemeinschaft Mitteleuropa and the Movimento Trieste Libera – Gibanje Svobodni Trst – Bewegung Freies Triest – Free Trieste Movement.

The military cemetery is near Prosecco in the dolina in front of the deer park.