Free Trieste


Free Trieste joins the legal action about the Italian VAT – IVA and organizes further interventions
Free Trieste joins the legal action about the Italian VAT – IVA and organizes further interventions

Free Trieste joins the legal action about the Italian VAT – IVA and organizes further interventions

Free Trieste supports the lawsuit against the Italian Value Added Tax in the FTT. Info: piazza della Borsa 7, Trieste (Mezzanine). Phone: (+39) 040 2470772

Trieste summons the Italian Government before Court for applying the Value Added Tax – VAT
Trieste summons the Italian Government before Court for applying the Value Added Tax – VAT

Trieste summons the Italian Government before Court for applying the Value Added Tax – VAT

The I.P.R. F.T. T. summons the Italian Government before Court: “no Italian Value Added Tax can be collected in the present-day Free Territory of Trieste”.

PRESS CONFERENCE on Tuesday, December 4th, at 11.30 AM: Trieste summons Rome before Court for applying the VAT
PRESS CONFERENCE on Tuesday, December 4th, at 11.30 AM: Trieste summons Rome before Court for applying the VAT

PRESS CONFERENCE on Tuesday, December 4th, at 11.30 AM: Trieste summons Rome before Court for applying the VAT

The I. P. R. F. T. T. opens a new civil lawsuit: the Italian Government & its tax agencies cannot collect the Italian Value Added Tax in Trieste.