Free Trieste


Tribunale 04

Land Register: the Court of Trieste (Property of the State, Free Territory of Trieste) belongs also to the Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia.


One of the unusual aspects of the simulation of Italian sovereignty over the Free Territory of Trieste is that, officially, the authorities responsible for it are also hiding it.

They do so to make the people forget about the 1947 Treaty of Peace: unamended, its art. 21 establishes both the end of Italian sovereignty over Trieste and the recognition of its independence.

A local nationalist lobby is responsible for that simulation: it does so taking advantage of the mandate of temporary civil administration sub-entrusted to the Italian Government by the Governments of the US and of the UK.

The source of the mandate if the 1954 Memorandum of Understanding regarding the Free Territory of Trieste. Under the MoU, the Italian Government must act in continuity with the previous British-US administration.

However, the state of (illegal) things has soon taken over the rule of law.

The officers in charge of Trieste’s administration and the local nationalistic lobby (already denounced by the AMG FTT, as told HERE) have slowly suffocated the international Free Port of Trieste, the international community’s rights over it, and also the rights of Trieste’s people.

Again, they did it in breach of the law. Italy recognizes the Free Territory since 1947. Trieste’s legal status is unchanged.

Indeed, unfaithful administering officers have an easier breaching the law than changing it. Especially since we are talking about international treaties implemented under the Italian Constitution.

A rather significant case study as for this “getting around” the law is the very Court of Trieste. That is a Court of the Free Territory. Yet, the judges within the Court claim that they aren’t exercising the administered Free Territory’s jurisdiction, but bordering Italy’s.

Al while the local representative of the administering Italian Government, a Commissioner vested with all powers, turned a blind eye on the whole situation.

An unfortunate citizen of the Free Territory of Trieste seeking justice between the Court’s wall would step in a paradox right away.

Starting from ownership: the Court has been stolen. Legally, it should belong to the Free Territory (art. 1, annex X to the Peace Treaty). However it was stolen. Just like all of the Free Territory’s State assets.

How so? Obviously by illegal actions.

The Land Registry Office is responsible of “transferring” the ownership of assets worth billions (including Trieste’s international Free Port) by deceits and frauds: this is the story of Trieste’s spoliations.

How does this institutional fraud work?

Easy: leaving out a fundamental element. Getting around WHO owns the assets in question. For instance, the 1947 Peace Treaty rules that this is Trieste’s State properties. The Office however writes it off as the properties of some generic State (Demanio di Stato).

That’s it. Some land registry judges and officers of Region Friuli Venezia Giulia “forget” to check what STATE is that, and act as if that were Italy. The asset is then registered in the name of the requesting authority, or other subject. Like this, for free. It is bodies of the same State after all, right?

This is how, in the name of Italy, a Region has literally “stolen” to another State all of its assets. Sounds like a spaghetti western with a cattle rustlers subplot. Indeed, cattle rustlers would stamp a new brand on the original one.

In the Free Territory of Trieste, asset rustlers “rebrand” ownership titles. And, by extension, they steal all public assets. All of this the expenses of a State and its people.

Sometimes, in such “reckless” stealing sprees, they must pay extra attention. One such case is the Court of Trieste, since the exercise of justice takes place here, and any international dispute would put the work of the judiciary into question. Thus revealing the illegal simulation of Italian sovereignty over Trieste.

This is how the 1st and the 2nd floor of the Court belong to the usual “generic” State, (again, the Free Territory of Trieste), the 3rd floor, which hosts the most “sensitive” zones (eg. the office in charge of wiretapping) has been transferred from the “generic” State to Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia.

Apparently a transfer of ownership, in truth, there is no proof of it within the Land Register (which certifies ownership titles). It other words: it is a fraud. The GN (Giornalnumero or Registry Number. It identifies assets and their owners) are very telling: the first digit, referring to the  origin of the immovable property, is blank (no number!) while the second digit, which identifies the new owner, is… blank again(!!).

This is an evidence of a false transfer of ownership involving State assets. This system is used to cover up a state of things that in facts constitutes a breach of the law. So far so good.

The 3rd floor does also host the offices of the Court of Appeal, which is itself a judicial district of the Free Territory of Trieste.

We experimented this surreal system when we requested the registration of the assets and constraints of the Northern Free Port, which Italy wants to destroy and turn into an urban area. A massive, billion Euro speculation that smells of Mafia.

This is a case that the Court of Appeal dismissed, ruling that “taking action is unnecessary” thus denying the needed the principle that Land Register and Cadastral Office must have the same information about the assets to be transfered

In one word, this shatters the basic principles of the Land Registry Book: ownership can no longer be granted.

Translated from blog “Ambiente e Legalità” – “Environment and Legality” by Roberto Giurastante
