Free Trieste


A view of Porto San Rocco (Muggia). Apparently a seaside resort, in truth, it is a dangerous landfill.

A view of Porto San Rocco (Muggia). Apparently a seaside resort, in truth, it is a dangerous landfill.

They are trying to hide the evidences of their crimes agains the environment. They are “fixing” the landfills made in the Free Territory of Trieste in Italy’s name.

They want to sweep under the rug the environmental crimes committed against Trieste. And, of course, they want to do it using the local authorities. Those which, in spite of Italian and European law, are illegally simulating Italian sovereignty over the Free Territory of Trieste.

They are the local system of corruption, and they turned Trieste, a State under the Italian Government’s provisional administration since 1954 into a huge landfill.

The most inconvenient Italian waste ended up here, in the Northern Adriatic. Almost a barrier against what neofascist propaganda portrayed as the hated Communist enemy: Yugoslavia.

Of course, all of this happened under the local Italian officers, which made Trieste an open-air dumping ground.

From the Karst plateau, with its caves, to the shores and the sea: the devastating fury of the machinery of pollution of State and organized crime spared nothing.

And now, as the wall of censorship about this thorny legacy falls, the system tries to hide claiming that the problem of pollution is “outdated”.

How so? With a simple trick. The local Italian public authorities (those responsible for said pollution) write it off: a polluted area is no longer polluted. Obviously, all of this happens on paper. No actual decontamination involved. A true Italian miracle.

Obviously, one without effects. Dioxins, hydrocarbons, sludges, chemical toxins, they are all still in the the terraqueous environment. And from here, they leak and pollute the ecosystem.

Human beings are not immune. They are just unaware: they are being slowly poisoned, and killed. This is a ruthless chemical war: it claims lives ever since 60 years.

One such “creative” Italian environmental policy regards Porto San Rocco, (Muggia).

In Porto San Rocco there is a maritime landfill hidden under an artificial hill in a touristic marina.

Well, by decree, the authorities ruled that this polluted area is no more. On paper, it is healthy and reclaimed.

In truth, this area is still the same. On top of the hill there is a green area with even a playground for children. Under the hill there is a beach, a useless one, because bathing is forbidden in the whole area.

Why so? Because in the bowels of the hill there are 18,000 m3 of extremely hazardous sludges. The hill very exists only to hide them. Which is illegal to say the least.

In 2007 I denounced the situation to public opinion. Those responsible for the illegal landfill sued me in response. Some rather upside-down trial.

It’s been 10 years, and the landfill is still there, well-protected and awaiting its creators’ new seal of  environmental quality.

The problem is, the European Commission is investigating this landfill. It does it following one of my complaints. Furthermore, Italy, in default, faces heavy financial penalties. So far, in the global proceeding regarding its uncontrolled dumping ground, Italy has already been ordered to pay EUR 40 millions.

Now there is one more factor, it is Free Trieste’s June 4th, 2015 petition:

«To denounce serious violations of international law and of the law of the European Union in the legal, political and economic relations of the European Union and of the Republic of Italy toward the current Free Territory of Trieste and toward the other Member States of the EU and of the International Community». LINK).

The document revolves on the legal relations existing in 1957 between the European Union, the present-day Free Territory of Trieste and the Republic of Italy. Including the exercise of EU Member State’s general and special rights over Trieste’s international Free Port.

We cannot give up and we won’t give up: the environmental disaster of the Free Territory of Trieste shall not remain unpunished.

Translated from blog “Environment and Legality” by Roberto Giurastante

European Parliament

Commission on Petitions

Subject: Petition 0732/2010 by Roberto Giurastante (Italian), on behalf of Greenaction Transnational, on an illegal landfill site in Porto San Rocco (Muggia, Italy).

In this specific case, the Commission will suggest to the Court to impose a lump sum of 28 000 € per day and a penalty payment of 256 800 € per day. The fine will be proportionally reduced as the number of illegal landfills decreases.