Free Trieste


Treaty No. 3297 in the UN Treaty Series: the Memorandum of Understanding (with annexes and exchange of notes) regarding the Free Territory of Trieste. Signed at London, on 5 October 1954. Official text: English. Registered by the United States of America on 25 April 1956.


May 15th, 2013. For the first time, the Court of Trieste starts evaluating the problem of jurisdiction. Is it Italy’s, or Trieste’s own?

The judge who initiated the assessment is Paolo Vascotto, and the exception on jurisdiction is my own.

In this proceeding I am the offended party. Still, I stalled my own rights to make sure the proceeding follows my own State’s law. My State is the Free Territory of Trieste. Italian Courts are like any other foreign Court: they have no authority over Trieste. Trieste has its own Courts, and its own legislation.

Because the present-day Free Territory of Trieste (formerly “Zone A”) is sub-entrusted to the Italian Government’s temporary civil administration. Italian judges serving their duties in Trieste aren’t acting on the Italian State’s behalf. They act in compliance with a 1954 special trusteeship mandate.

Trieste’s primary administering Governments, those of the US and of the UK, tasked the Italian Government with respecting Trieste’s independence. The Italian Government itself admits to act in continuity with the A.M.G. F.T.T. and under Trieste’s independent legislation. Still in full force.

However, the Italian Government’s local representatives are since long violating their obligations. Instead of governing Trieste as the State it is, they simulate that it is under Italian sovereignty. Indeed a massive conflict of interest. And a breach of Italian laws.

This simulation is not in mere principle: not only it allows the spreading of Italian political corruption in Trieste, but also rampant Italian nationalistic propaganda and the discrimination of the communities whose first language is not Italian.

Furthermore, the illegal subjection of Trieste to Italian taxation (in breach of art. 5 of annex X of the 1947 Treaty of Peace) is not only illegal, but harmful as it reduces many people and enterprises into poverty.

This extends to Italy’s economic obligations respect to the EU (Fiscal compact) and affects also Trieste’s international Free Port, subject to unfair taxation and to severe losses of revenues.

Under Italian Law 243/2012, even if Trieste and its international Free Port are outside the scope of Community Taxation, they must economically support the Italian Republic.

On July 17th, 2013, at noon, the Court of Trieste opens the discussion about the 1947 Italian Peace Treaty and the 1954 MoU. International eyes are focused on “Question Trieste” and on the heavy taxes levied at the expenses of the international community of States.

Update: about the July 17th hearing.

Translated from blog “Ambiente e Legalità” di Roberto Giurastante