27 October 2020: Free Trieste deplores a recent provocation. Such actions serve no purpose in the legal actions for the rights of the Free Territory of Trieste.

27 October 2020: Free Trieste deplores a recent provocation. Such actions serve no purpose in the legal actions for the rights of the Free Territory of Trieste.
Trieste: the I. P. R. F. T. T. sues the Italian government. The lawsuit regards violatins of the international Free Port’s management, including taxation
15 September 2019: Free Trieste celebrates the Free Territory’s Independence Day with a flag-raising ceremony and an exhibit about the British-US Government.
15 September 2019: Free Trieste does not participate to pro-election demonstrations; instead, it celebrates in piazza della Borsa.
[VIDEO] This is one of the European open borders: the Free Territory of Trieste – Italy State border. Trieste is an independent State since 1947.
Statement of the Secretary General of the I. P. R. F. T. T. on the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the present-day Free Territory of Trieste.