Free Trieste



Uncle Franz, my dear greatuncle on my mother’s side. I was very attached to him. He was my “guardian angel” when I, still a child, was taking my first steps. He was my teacher during childhood. He used to call be  “Robertainer”, a nickname that I have always been fond of. I dedicated it to my own blog.


He faithfully served in the Austrian-Hungarian Army during World War I, like all Triestines. Born in 1900, he enlisted as a volunteer at age 17, in the Austrian-Hungarian Marines.


He used to tell me about old Imperial Austria, and about that ordered Trieste that did no longer exist, substituted by the arrogant aggressiveness of the corrupt Italian domination. But I was still to young to understand. And he passed away too soon.


Then school came and, with it, to me came also the oblivion of our history. But the little seed, buried for a long time, did ultimately bloom and it brought back an identity that nobody can ever cancel.

Translated from blog “Ambiente e Legalità” – “Environment and Legality” by Roberto Giurastante

Roberto Giurastante, still a child, in his great-uncle Franz's arms.