1947-2017: Trieste, the US, and the UK
In 2017 the present-day Free Territory of Trieste and its international Free Port turn 70.
They exist by virtue of the Italian Peace Treat of 10 February 1947, which places them under a provisional regime entrusted to the Governments of the United States and of the United Kingdom.
The British-US Governments maintained this primary mandate, but in 1954 they sub-entrusted Trieste’s military defence to NATO, and its civil administration to the Italian Government. This results in international obligations fully in force.
Considering that the Italian Government is not complying with those obligations, Free Trieste celebrated Trieste’s 70th Independence Day on the Free Territory – Italy State border, near Duino-Devin. During the event, Free Trieste’s activists waved the flags of the Trieste, of the United States, and of the United Kingdom.
Press Office of the Free Trieste Movement
Further information:
– About the Free Territory of Trieste: LINK (Free Trieste Movement)
– The present-day Free Territory of Trieste: LINK (I.P.R. F.T.T.)