Free Trieste

Free Trieste to the border crossing with Italy: Saturday, June 11th and Sunday June 12th

Trieste: State flag

The flag of the Free Territory of Trieste flies on the border with Italy.

On Saturday, June 11th ad on Sunday, June 12th, from 9AM to 8PM, Free Trieste is holding its fourth sit-in at the border of State of the Free Territory of Trieste with the Italian Republic, near the main border crossing in San Giovanni di Duino-Štivan and to the above one on Strada del Vallone.

The short border of State between the Free Territory of Trieste and the Italian Republic, established at with the 1947 Treaty of Peace, article 4, extends from river Lisert in San Giovanni di Duino-Štivan to triple-border point 208, near Medja vas-Medeazza, also, it is recognized in the Italian legal system  with the laws of execution and enforcement of the Treaty, the Constitution of the Republic, and other specific laws.

The first provisional Government of the Free Territory (AMG FTT) had correctly marked the border crossings with the needed road signs.

Instead, the successive, current temporary civil administration, sub-entrusted to the Italian Government, neglected or removed the border signs, letting all visible border demarcations disappear.

Free Trieste is now exercising the right and duty to restore them. Indeed, this is an actual border between two States and their respective jurisdictions.

The main border crossing in San Giovanni di Duino-Štivan is near the entrance of the paper mill, the border crossing on the strada del Vallone is about 500 m after the junction to Medja vas-Medeazza.

Press Office of the Free Trieste Movement

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