Free Trieste



It is time to decide out future. September 15th has passed, and the provisional Italian Government has not answered the request of hundreds of citizens of the Free Territory of Trieste. For 3 months, they requested the re-establishment of their State’s temporary civil administration.

16,000 Triestines have already adhered to Free Trieste’s petition to the UN. They requested that, if the Italian Government cannot comply with its legal obligations, the temporary civil administration of the present-day Free Territory of Trieste be entrusted to another Government.

Italy’s answer? Silence. An unacceptable silence, because it means denying the rule of the law. The most arrogant denial from the very authority that should grant the rights of the people in a State it administers on behalf of the United Nations and recognized by the Allies, signatories of the 1947 Treaty of Peace.

Maybe this Italian Government cannot answer: maybe, decades of abuses, at the expenses of the citizens of a forgotten State, are just too long.

Not it is time for the citizens of the Free Territory of Trieste to take their fate in their hands.

Translated from blog “Environment and Legality” by Roberto Giurastante