On 8 January 2014, Francesca Adelaide Garufi, Prefect of Trieste and Commissar of the Government in Region Friuli Venezia Giulia issued a decree to suspend once again the Northern Free Port of Trieste’s Free Zones.
This is a very grave act and, most importantly, it is against the law. If only the law meant something in such a corrupt State as Italy, which disregards its very Constitution.
As the city sinks in poverty, the representative of the administering Italian Government gives another lesson of (mis)governance to Trieste, as if it needed it, after suffering forced Italianization and colonization attempts.
The lady that should represent the Free Territory’s own civilian Government showed once more that “legality” means nothing to her.
This is why, in the name of the law, we dare to report to the authorities the ongoing illegitimate suspensions of a precious strategic asset of the international Free Port of Trieste, which belongs to the Free State and to its people.
Without its port, Trieste is nothing.
We, the people of the Free Territory of Trieste, want to protect our future: follows a notice of default addressing the Prefect of Trieste and the Italian Government in its role of the Free Territory of Trieste’s provisional Government.
Article 70 of Constitutional Law No. 1/1963 makes it clear that Trieste’s temporary civil administration continues to this day:
“… the powers of administration of the Commissario Generale for the territory of Trieste – excluding those of the Prefect and those received by the Region – shall be exercised by the Commissioner of Government in the Region. …”.
…The Commissioner of the Government in the Region is the head of the local civilian Government.
It is therefore obvious that all the decrees of the Commissioner of the Government in the Region that suspend the regime of the Northern Free Zone are against the law and against the scope of the special trusteeship mandate that the Governments of the US and of the UK have sub-entrusted to the Italian Government in 1954.
Translated from blog “Ambiente e Legalità” – “Environment and Legality”