Free Trieste

The Free Trieste Movement notifies a notice of default to the Commissar of the Port, Mr. D’Agostino, as for law enforcement

Zeno d'Agostino con i gerarchi del PD: Teresa Bassa Portopat, Roberto Cosolini e Debora Serracchiani.

Zeno d’Agostino with the PD’s local representatives: Teresa Bassa Portopat, Roberto Cosolini and Debora Serracchiani.

Trieste, 27 April 2015. – Free Trieste’s legal battle for the registration of the Northern Free Ports’s correct ownership under the 1947 Peace Treaty continues. The aim of the legal battle is blocking the PD (Italian Democratic Party)’s illegal speculations in the area.

On April 24th, Free Trieste Movement has notified the Commissar of the Port Authority, Mr. D’Agostino, a notice of default. The Movement requests that Mr. D’Agostino enforcement of the laws regarding the international Free Port of Trieste‘s management. The notice of default includes copies of all previous complaints on the matter.

Free Trieste has informed about the notice of default also the Italian Minister of infrastructures and transportation, Mr. Delrio.

The document recalls the legal sources, the obligations and the restrictions established under international law on the international Free Port of Trieste.

In particular, that port area doesn’t belong to the Italian Republic.

Finally, the document denounces that the PD’s representatives, through Mr. D’Agostino «do publicly behave as if they were the owners of the port and of the Port Authority, portraying its Commissar as if that were an instrument, on the leash, a subordinate, even if the local administrations in name of which they say to be acting (Municipality, Region, Province) have no role when it comes to the management of the port».

The notice of default: in Italian // in English.

Press Office of the Free Trieste Movement