Free Trieste

An announced “golpe” attempt and the firm response of legality in the Free Territory of Trieste

An announced “golpe” attempt and the firm response of legality in the Free Territory of Trieste

Logo of the Movimento Trieste Libera | Gibanje Svobodni Trst | Bewegung Freies Triest | Free Trieste Movement | Mouvement Trieste Libre | Movimiento Trieste Libre

It was obvious that our Movement’s courageous, strong, firm, effective and popular action would spark not only increasing support by the people of Trieste and abroad, but also proportional counterattacks that confirm how, in facts, we are right and on the right path.

It was equally clear, since quite a rime, that counterattacks would not be only external, but also and with even more strength from the inside. Even at the same time and together with the threats of mafia-like cartels against our most exposed representatives.

Indeed, the situation continues since a couple of weeks, and external political opponents of mafia-like criminals are not those committing the most hostile and despicable actions. Rather, it is people from the inside to promote them, for their own gain.

Since May 10th, in the evening, four of the six members of a “Board of funding members”, together and coordinating with certain already resigning members of the Management Board, of a few members, and numerous external opponents, have illegally seized the website, Facebook page, emails, and list of the Movement’s members. This means we can no longer use them despite being the legitimate representatives of the organization. They even claimed they would take and keep it all. Their goal is to cut us out of direct communication with our members and supporters, all to substitute legit communication with deceptive messages.

After doing so, they have indeed used the stolen media to delete from the website and Facebook the news about the legitimate extraordinary assembly. The President had summoned it for June 21st, and the agenda included balances. The provokers substituted the news with another, summoning an illegal, anticipated assembly on May 31st. They did also falsely claim that the social bodies appointed in January have expired and it is time to reappoint them. Even the Presidente When we recovered our Facebook for a few hours, they illegally occupied it again. And they go as far as announcing that they are coming to seize by force our very head office.

All of this in the name of the “Founders”. They didn’t even reunite legitimately, and under the Movement’s Statute they cannot do any of the things they are going. In particular, they cannot represent or rule over the Movement. Yet, they are covering their criminal operation claiming, falsely and absurdly, that they can do so under the Statute because there is no longer a management board. They proclaim to act in defense of democracy against some alleged “dictatorship” of the President in office. Among their many lies, they claim the Management Board holds no reunions and decides nothing.

This is not “only” a political golpe’ it is a criminal combination of of thefts, frauds, defamation, and threats. This gives raise to liabilities for several serious criminal, immediately prosecutable offenses, committed jointly (criminal organization) and violating the democratic rights of the Movement and its members.

Those who publicly and jointly claimed the main responsibilities of those crimes, in various means and ways, ranging from committing to supporting the aforementioned actions, are clearly, and unfortunately, four of the six founders: Stefano Ferluga, Adriano Ciacchi, Arlon Stok, Sandro Gombač, and severn former Managers who reassigned: the same Stefano Ferluga and Adriano Ciacchi, as well as Vito Potenza, Andrej Rupel, Roberto Umek, Marco Pizzi, Claudio Beorchia.

Furthermore, before this “golpe” there was a very violent campaign of disinformation, delegitimization and defamation on line and on local press. The local Italian parties’ press (Il Piccolo and Primorski dnevnik) attacked not only Roberto Giurastante, President of the Free Trieste Movement, but also the Management Board’s representatives loyal to him, and investigative journalist and director of Trieste Libera News, Paolo G. Parovel.

Roberto Giurastante has spent more than 20 years opposing criminality and mafias in Trieste, he described his legal battles in book “Tracks of Legality”. Paolo G. Parovel is also the director of both “La Voce di Trieste“, the city’s only investigative newspaper, which investigates and denounces the same criminal actions, and of planned newspaper “Il Corriere di Trieste” (historical competitor of very compromised newspaper “Il Piccolo”).

Incidentally, the campaign to delegitimize them exploded when they both exposed classified information about effective operations of the ‘ndrangheta aiming at facilitating the housing and building speculation already suspected of mafia that Italian parties, first in line the PD, are trying to force on the Northern Free Port sabotaging the Port Authority’s calls for concessions.

So, as the external delegitimization campaign continued on line and on Il Piccolo, the internal “rebels” who took the Movement’s Facebook and website started to publish there their own articles and narratives claiming that those connections between politics and Magia in Trieste are mere fantasies and paranoias of a pair of people (Giurastante and Parovel). And it is time to substituted them for it, no matter what. Some interesting coincidence, and itself under investigation..

Anyways, and evidently, this is a joint attack from the outside and from the inside. The goal is to paralyze and break our Movement, which is the strongest and most independent political organization in Trieste, exactly as its actions not only enjoys fundamental popular, but is close to international Courts, getting near to the affirmation of Trieste’s economic and political rights as Free Territory and international Free Port.

Leading the internal attack to Free Trieste there are also some rather incapable former managers, and their allies, who not only did little to nothing for the Movement, exploiting the work of volunteers to gain visibility, acting as masters, and surrounding themselves with an intimidatory “security” force, but have very personal reasons to attempt preventing the legitimate June 21st assembly about budgets.

Indeed, they’d have to respond for the past management (2013) and its economic outcomes, which appear at the end of a recently concluded internal investigation. Another internal investigation is looking into their other, parallel activities.

Indeed, the President and the Management Board in office never forced a “dictatorship”, all they did was enforcing the duly principles of legality, democracy, and transparency, which must be the Free Territory’s own first rules.

At this point it would take many pages to answer back to their false, unlimited, and offensive accusations one by one, together with their external allies, they are spreading it all online and on Il Piccolo insulting the democratic, legitimate, and loyal bodies of the Movement. However, the majority of the people who read those understood themselves that it is a bunch of lies, and is so disgusted by it that it wants nothing to do with any of them.

However, we must face, evaluate, and overcome this artificial crisis within the Movement with firmness, so we can become stronger and happier than before. In the face of those who, instead, think they can deceive, divide, and drown us with such acts of cowardice.

The best way to face it is that of analyses, focused not on the aggressors’ vile chattering, but of their paradoxical claims, with which they tried to sell their abnormal intimidations disguising them as actions in the name of democratic legality.

Whoever wants to verify and study well this problem has a good outlook to it in the duly, and unfortunately necessary, criminal complaint (in Italian) attached to this website. For obvious reasons, the complaint addresses the administering Italian authorities, but in full compliance with the rights of the Free Territory of Trieste.

Even the promoters of the “golpe” should read it, and the people they deceived. Because it is fundamental that everyone understands that it is unacceptable playing with the rights, interests, jobs, hardship, present, and future of our fellow people of Trieste.

The complaint, in Italian: HERE.