Free Trieste


Roberto Giurastante

When you are engaged on the front lines, standing for civil rights, you know well that you are taking many risks.

When, defending the rights of the people, you take a public stand against a system of power built on the systematic ransacking of the territory, you know well that your own life is in danger.

Because your battle to free the people who suffer factual and moral pollution is going to be opposed by this system of power, by all means.

You’ll have to walk a treacherous ground, avoiding the many traps that are hidden in it. And, as you walk your tough road, you’ll become a favorite target for your many enemies. Enemies that you’ll find everywhere, more and more, as you keep walking, firm, your path of legality.

Because you’ll see how that system, the one you are fighting against, which hides behind a facade of respectability and morality only to commit all kinds of crime, is actually something much bigger than you could have ever imagined.

It is a “government of evil” that has successfully, irremediably corrupted  wide portions of civil society and it does not limit itself to its own, little world, for it extend up to the international level.

And then, when you’ll be under the attack of this system, there won’t usually be many people by your side, because they do usually run away at the first shots, and you’ll have to decide between keeping to walk your path or stopping, and beat a retreat.

If you keep going, you’ll be hit, you’ll fall to the ground. But if you do firmly believe in the value of your cause, you’ll get back on your feet, you’ll overcome fear and you’ll keep walking the path made of those principles that you do firmly believe it. And you’ll trace a street of legality that others are going to follow.

Translated from blog “Environment and Legality” by Roberto Giurastante