Free Trieste


Northern Free Port of Trieste.


It all started on November 18th, with a “discussed” decision in the Provincial Council (which province?).

In November, Councillor Fabio Longo opposed the approval of a new masterplan for the Port of Trieste. According to him, the masterplan is an Italian measure, and as such it conflicts with the existing port legislation. Legislation provided in the 1947 Treaty of Peace with Italy, which establishes the international Free Port (Annex VI, art. 34) as a State Corporation of the Free Territory of Trieste, and provides for it management (Annex VIII).

Fabio Longo’s stand for legality in Trieste and in its port brought him immediate isolation. His own party, Italia dei Valori (Italy of Values) initiated the procedures to expel him.

After this strike against legality, the masterplan reached Trieste’s City Council. Obviously, in the City Council not even one politician followed into Fabio Longo’s footsteps. Standing for legality? For the people? No way!

This is how, on December 2nd, 2013, a City Council that obviously prefers Rome to Trieste, despite having no competence on the matter, unanimously approved an Italian masterplan that, as such, is null and void.

This is a merely political decision, but the people of the Free Territory who stand for legality cannot forget it. Those 38 city councillors are themselves people of Trieste, but elected with illegal elections and standing “for the italianità“.  No matter if defending this “italianità” means going against fundamental rights and even against Italian laws.

Fundamental rights that include fair taxation and the question of the Free Territory’s State assets. Rights that would prevent the people of Trieste from falling into poverty, losing their jobs, emigrating, or living in an unhealthy, contaminated environment.

Local politics has always been like this, exploiting and damaging common good, suffocating the rights of the people of Trieste, going as far as to attempting to ultimately destroy the Northern Free Port.

The local Italian authorities want to dismiss the Northern Free Port, get rid of its free zones, and use the area for a massive housing speculation. No matter if those free zones are worth a fortune, and no matter if they have never reached their full potential for the sake of Italian ports.

The “italianità” politics is simple: suffocating the port of Trieste for the sake of Italian ports, and suffocating the city itself to finally feed it international mafias.

This is not a new plan. It’s in the making since 1954, with the help of the local political establishment. Nationalism is alive with the $ound of mu$ic, and this anti-port action is just the latest of many performances of this party-ruled gang. No matter if it means going against their own people.

Translated from blog “Environment and Legality” by Roberto Giurastante