Free Trieste

LNG terminal in Trieste: Slovenia is against it and vigilant

On June 23rd, 2016, in Ljubljana (Slovenia), Alpe Adria Green – AAG and Greenaction Transnational held a press conference at the Slovenski Svetovni Kongres to once again oppose the LNG terminal that the Italian Government wants to build in Trieste’s Port. The press participated in the event, as did representatives of Slovenia’s Government and of accredited Embassies based in Slovenia.

Vojko Bernard and Franc Malečkar presented the environmentalists’ technical reports on Alpe Adria Green’s behalf, while Roberto Giurastante presented them on Greenaction Trasnational’s.

The representative of the Ministry of the Environment, Vesna Kolar Planinšič, confirmed the Slovenian Government’s opposition to the LNG project, and the intention to monitor its developments with the greatest attention, even during August. The representative of the Austrian Embassy showed particular interest for the situation.

N.Mitteleuropa Agentur

Area of the EZIT - Ente Zona Industriale di Trieste (organization for the development of the industrial zone of Trieste).

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