Free Trieste

Vienna and Graz: the first, Austrian section of the Free Trieste Movement is open


Trieste. – On Saturday (January 24th, 2015) during a press conference at its piazza della Borsa 7 headquarter, the Free Trieste Movement presented the organization’s newly established Austrian branch, located in Graz and Vienna, as well as presenting the new symbol, the crossed flags of Trieste and Austria (see photo).

The new organization of Free Trieste has been founded as  Bewegung Freies Triest – Österreich, the President is Mr. Gianni Kriscak and it’s receiving the membership requests and attention by experts of economy and ports, journalists and Austrian politicians.

The Bewegung Freies Triest – Österreich is a happy consequence of the collaboration that made it possible for Free Trieste – past September 9th, 2014 – to present in Vienna and for the Austrian and international press its main legal and political document on the international Free Port of Trieste.

Besides longer than half a millennium of shared history (1382-1918) Austria has special rights and interests in Trieste, especially as for the use of the international Free Port, including the right to have the naval register of the Austrian commercial navy there.
