Free Trieste

Trieste and Vienna work together!

Austrian flag of Trieste

From July 28th to August 6th, the representative of the Jugendbeauftragte of the SGA (Schwarz-Gelbe-Allianz, Die Monarchisten) Sebastian Lang will be in Trieste to see the Free Trieste Movement at work and to help us with our projects.

This collaboration is grounded in the fact that Trieste is a Land of Austrian heritage and, from 1382 to 1918, it was part of Austria and then of Austria-Hungary. It is not only the same traditions to unite us, there is also a cultural universe we shared and built together through more than half a millennium and it regards our history, geography and economy.

Both Triestine people and the SGA are fully aware of the common roots so they renew this natural bond.

The purposes of this first experiment are to institute an annual exchange program between Organizations / Political Parties working in Austria and the Movement of the Free State of Trieste as well as the enforcement of its international rights, in order to learn from one another and to understand the mutual positions and situation our groups face every day.