Free Trieste



Respect for the enemy, even in the darkest hours of life, is the measure of a folk’s civilization. And this is especially true in wartime, when men fight each other with much brutality. Men against, who still don’t forget themselves even in the face of tragedy. This is well exemplified in one of the many untold WWI stories, often forgotten by nationalism and ideologies.

One of the fallen Italians, even in death, inspired the greatest admiration. He hadn’t moved from his position, and alone, defended it to the last. Now he lay, lifeless in the snow, behind a small boulder, shot through the head. A large number cartridges and 52 empty magazines lay around him, testifying his sense of sacrifice and brave behavior. Facing the majesty of his death, standing before such respectable heroism, our telephone patrol respectfully paid a tribute.

Captain Hermann Strohschneider

2nd Battalion of the 3rd Graz Schutzen Regiment

May 23rd, 1916

Source: Das Schützenregiment Graz Nr. 3 und der steirische Landsturm im Weltkrieg 1914 – 1918 II. Band (II. / 1931). English translation: SV