Free Trieste


Logo of the Movimento Trieste Libera | Gibanje Svobodni Trst | Bewegung Freies Triest | Free Trieste Movement | Mouvement Trieste Libre | Movimiento Trieste Libre

Trieste, November 29th, 2012. Yesterday [28.11], Trieste’s people stood in the rain before the City Council. They voiced their opposition to Gas Natural’s LNG terminal. Indeed, that is not only a dangerous project, but putting naval trade at stake it would cause also economic damages. Yet, the local politicians support it, across the board.
Activists from many political groups and environment organizations joined the demonstration: the City Council previewed discussions about the LNG terminal. Representatives of the Province and of Region Friuli Venezia Giulia announced their own involvement.
Free Trieste participated with Greenaction Transnational. Our Movement stands for legality and for the rights of Trieste’s people, while Roberto Giurastante’s organization is the one that effectively re-opened “Question Trieste” internationally, including in opposition to Gas Natural’s project.
Even if the Municipality changed plans, avoiding discussions about the LNG terminal (what a twist!) and nobody could address the City Hall about it. Yet, they kept standing with banners and flags outside, in the rain.
And they were still enough to ignore some provokers-saboteurs who called for assaulting the City Council (!!!). The police identified those people, and the event ended without incidents. As obvious.

Free Trieste and Greenaction stand for absolute legality. Falling for such a provocation would have meant betraying our ideals, and our rights with them.

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