Free Trieste



We can’t stay indifferent to what is happening close to us, in Veneto. The arrest of many supporters of the independence of Veneto opens a serious rift between Italy and its people. Which means, between two fundamental components of a democratic State.

The citizens chose their institution by electing representatives. Institutions grant the well-administration of the State, respecting the citizens. But when this pact is broken, the democratic system ceases to exist. And the citizens start to revolt.

This is what is happening in the most corrupt member of the weak European Union: citizens, overwhelm by a devastating economic crisis, resulting from a maladministration lasting since decades and brought out by the unpunished political caste, become aware that they have no way to change the decaying institutions.

Indeed, they are stripped of effective voting rights.

The Italian elections are only a grotesque play, their purpose is to preserve, since decades, the unchanging ruling class, which holds the State under its thumb. This system of power is made of nationalistic gangs, pseudo-freemasonry, mafia-like criminal groups, they keep changing, but they are always the same, across the board.

Italy’s democracy decays faster as society and the economy collapse. Of the latest three national governments, none was chosen by the voters: they were all appointed by the heads of State themselves.

The EU tolerates this state of things, in the hope it prevents further damages. If Italy collapses, the EU may fall with it, in would be the end of this forceful, curious union of people in the name of economy. Maybe a little too forceful. The utopia of wealth for all, in the end, produced misery for many. Destabilizing countries that are too different to remain together, without true ideals in common: obviously, material gain is not enough.

And so, while the careless Europe of bankers only demands good accounting skills (namely: reducing public debt), the people, deprived of their future, become even more desperate.

Desperation and misery crete a new army. An army with nothing left to lose: wither they commit suicide, or they fight to the end. Their enemy? A tyrannic and distant State, whose institutions are regarded as little more than hateful invaders.

Italy and Veneto:

In territories with centuries of history and strong national identities as Independent states – like Veneto – such a situation is a powerful trigger for reactions as the present ones.

The desire to secede from the “bad” State it strong, it is seen as the last way to salvation from Italy, seen as the cause of all tragedies. Even Italy’s attempts to repress this desire strengthen the opinions and different souls of the people who become “partisans for freedom”.

All those standing for their ideals are “terrorists”. It is happening in Trieste as well: here, citizens demanding that Italy respects their rights – granted by law since 1947 – are reported by the judiciary authorities for being “subversive” and “attempting” to the unity of the State.

Yes, exactly in Trieste, in that Free Territory oppressed by Italy in breach of its own laws: Italian politicians have been clear on question of Trieste: whoever appeals to legality will be prosecuted without rest.

Obviously, law has completely lost any value, turning to a mere instrument to repress the subjugated population.

This is why I can perfectly understand my brothers in Veneto: today, I am a Veneto myself.

Translated from blog “Ambiente e Legalità” – “Environment and legality” by Roberto Giurastante